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Design Process

Design Process- IOP: Features
Full island CAD.png

Solution Description

The proposed solution is a chain of artificial islands built using excess sediment that builds up along river mouths and coast, to clean up polluted waters and rehabilitate damaged ecosystems. The energy production for the islands will be generated through a variety of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power. Lastly, in the final stages of the phased island builds, they will become ecotourism locations to help raise awareness of current policy barriers, as well as provide commerce for local communities.

One of the main proponents of the island chain is that it will be functional from it’s first building stage, and will be phased as such:

Phase 1: Floating fixtures using the specially designed filters will be placed around the area of each designated island in order to start the initial filtration process

Phase 2: Using of excess sediment to begin building the base of each island as well implementing a plumbing and internal filtration system. Additionally, implementation of artificial ecosystems (such as oyster reefs) will begin

Phase 3: Building of top surface geography. Here, the command center and research center will be built right after to commence data tracking and water quality control.

Phase 4: Full implementation of artificial ecosystems (both marine as well as terrestrial) will be in place, along with building of eco-tourism centers. This is where aquariums will be set up, phytoplankton farms are introduced, and hopefully reintroduction of some species back into the surrounding environment.

Phase 5: Final stage of island chains, that allow tourists to visit and learn from the island. Human introduction is the final stage to allow enough time for effective ecosystem rehabilitation.


The effectiveness and uniqueness of this island design lies in the filtration system. Given the high amounts of fertilizer concentrates, some of the ammonia and nitrates found in the water will undergo a reverse nitrification cycle to convert liquid state chemicals back to nitrogen gas. The remainder nutrients while be diverted back into the island and reused for horticultural purposes. 


Design Process- IOP: Image

Idea Generation

Alternative designs to initial pollution problem

Initial designs were centered around river filtration, later alternatives developed for larger marine ecosystems

Alternative Idea #1

Alternative Idea #1

Alternative Idea #2

Alternative Idea #2

Alternative Idea #3

Alternative Idea #3

Design Process- IOP: Portfolio

Design Iterations

Development of final design

Initial drawings

Created by Chris Boyd

Initial system level model

Created by Ethan Critchlow

Final System level model

Created by Ethan Critchlow

Filter Model

Created by Chris Boyd

Design Process- IOP: Features

Additional Contributions

Design Process- IOP: Portfolio


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