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Lessons Learned and Going Forward

For my personal reflection, the biggest takeaway from this project was proper organization. Utilizing various innovation tools when iterating our design was useful in creating a final idea, however the solution chosen was a rather large and complex undertaking. The interconnectivity diagram (see here) should have been made earlier in order to organize not only the phases of the island building process, but also to get a better visual of what was going on. There was some confusion at the team level at what was being implemented, and what systems were doing what, so in future, creating a chart like that in the initial stages on would have helped keep everyone on the same page. Regardless, I was able to learn a lot about considering interdependencies of systems on one another as well as being able to break apart the different components and features of such a large project.


Due to Covid, physical prototyping of our model was unable to occur, however in future, I hope to be able to expand upon the filtration cycle to see if it is realistically implementable and ways to improve it.

Reflection- IOP: Features


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